Core Drilling
1. We Drill from 20mm diameter to 500mm diameter and up to 3 metre depth (thickness). 2. We Core Drill holes for Plumbing, Electrical, Skylights and A/C Service among others. 3. We Drill through Slabs, Walls and Beams among others.

1. We cut and Rig concrete blocks; eg: Beams, Walls, Slabs and Bed surfaces (from 0 to 700mm thick concrete)

1. We demolish and remove the rubble by breaking down (Jack Hammering) concrete or brick walls, beams and slabs.

Safety, Health and Environmental Policy
At On SPOT Holdings (Pty) Ltd, we seek to provide the healthiest and safest working conditions possible for all employees and require the support of all employees towards achieving these ends in order to protect our staff, to safeguard our clients’ premises and to promote the well-being of anyone else who might be affected by the work the company carries out.
Therefore, Health and Safety is considered management concern and rank equally with other more normally accepted responsibilities such as sales, personnel and accounts. We are committed to the highest standards of health and safety and will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all employees.
On SPOT Holdings (Pty) Ltd recognizes the impact our activities can have on the Health and Safety of people and the environment. The management of Safety, Health & Environmental risks is an integral part of our business plan. We value ethical and sustainable practices, which include those focused on the management of risk, the improvement of our Safety, Health & Environmental performance, and compliance with relevant legislation.
Our general policy statement for health and safety is to:
· Provide adequate control of Health & Safety risks arising from our work activities;
· Consult with our employees on matters affecting their Health & Safety;
· Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
· Ensure safe handling and use of substances;
· Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
· Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training;
· Maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
· Implement and maintain integrated Safety, Health & Environmental management;
· Understand and assess the Safety, Health & Environmental risks associated with our activities and services; and implementing the action plans required to manage these risks;
· Prevent incidents which will impact negatively on the Health & Safety of the people, and the environment;
· Comply with all applicable legislation, policies and other requirements to which Luteko Holdings (Pty) Ltd subscribes;
· Continually improve our Safety, Health & Environmental performance;
· Communicate with all employees, and other relevant stakeholders, on our Safety, Health & Environmental policies; requirements and on general awareness issues;